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The best and easiest way to retrieve a lubricant sample from your equipment is to use our sample pump (part # G-1206).
Do you know oil tells a story and provides a working history of your engine? With Oil Analyzers, you can get a look inside your engine and get the story without taking the engine apart. Be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to protecting your investment.
Oil analysis enables you to take the guesswork out of when to change your oil.
Extending oil drain intervals translates into less environmental pollution and less dependency on foreign oil.
The report you receive from us is only as good as the information you provide. The information form should be filled out as completely as possible every time.
Your Account number is not assigned until your first test is complete. You account number will be printed on your first report. NOTE: To view your report online, you will need the Username and Password provided by the lab.
If only the copper is high, but no other metals such as lead, tin, or aluminum are elevated, it is mostly an oxide of copper from the oil cooler. As the oil cooler is exposed to the heat from the engine oil, it can sometimes oxidize the copper, which will show up in the analysis report. This is considered a normal condition and no corrective action is required. This process usually will taper off or stop occurring over time.
The analysis report can tell you both. In some instances it may be necessary to change the filter only and top off the oil level. In other instances it will tell you to change both the oil and filter at the same time.
Download the Oil Analyzers User's Guide for a more thorough explanation of test parameters and limits.
The laboratory will keep the oil sample for 30 days.
Oil Analyzers INC. reports are easy to read and understand. Customer and unit information identify the equipment for which testing was performed. Technical oil data appears in a quick-read chart with multiple entry capacity for trendlining. Easy to understand recommendations are included so you know exactly what you should do with your oil or component to provide the best care for your equipment. The report shows a detailed explanation of tests and results. Oil Analyzers INC. reports are formatted for clear fax transmission. For a detailed explanation of oil analysis reports consult the Oil Analyzers User Guide (G-2047).
No. New or used lubricating oils have been declared by the U.S. Postal Service as not hazardous, flammable or toxic according to its Regulation for Hazardous Material (DMM 601.10.6) which indicates that liquids with a flash point above 200 degrees F are free of restrictions when shipped by air or surface transportation.
The average flashpoint of used engine oil is 380 degrees F and the average flash point of used transmission or hydraulic fluids is 340 degrees F. If the minimum flash point of 200 degrees F is met, the collection and shipping containment provided in OAI test kits is sufficient for shipment by air or ground transportation.
U.S. Postal Regulations requirements state that the sample collection container have a lined, screw-on lid to prevent leakage. OAI's oil analysis test kits provide a plastic sample collection jar, a lid with an F217 liner and, although not required, a plastic return mailer for secondary containment.
Oil Analyzers INC. is a fully equipped oil analysis laboratory staffed by highly trained analysts. Oil Analyzers INC. offers a complete line of oil analysis services, including engine oil analysis, drivetrain oil analysis and industrial lubricant analysis.