
Reading the Oil Analyzers Fluid Analysis Report

Once the oil sample is processed, Oil Analyzers provides a complete fluid analysis report detailing customer and equipment information, recommendations, elemental analysis, sample information, contaminants and fluid properties. This information is critical in determining the integrity of both the lubricant and the equipment.

Customer and Equipment Information

This section of the report includes the severity status of the sample and information regarding the account, component and sample, as well as information regarding the filter and product. It also includes a miscellaneous information section for any additional information recorded by the lab.


Note: Missing or incomplete information is printed in blue.


A data analyst's job is to explain and, if necessary, recommend actions for rectifying significant changes in the lubricant or the unit's condition. Reviewing comments before looking at the actual test results will provide a road map to the report's most important information. Any actions that need to be taken are listed in order of severity. Justifications for recommending those actions immediately follow.


Elemental Analysis

Elemental analysis, or spectroscopy, identifies the type and amount of wear particles, contamination and oil additives. Determining metal content can alert you to the type of severity of wear occurring in the unit. Measurements are expressed in parts per million (ppm).


Sample Information, Contaminants and Fluid Properties


Typical Lubricant Guidelines

The charts below describe the properties typical of various lubricants. Consulting these charts while reading the fluid analysis report may help you understand the indicated severity level and recommendations.

Diesel & Gasoline Engine Oil Guidelines (for physical properties, contaminants & degradation)

  Normal Elevated Abnormal Critical
Water 0.10% 0.30% 0.40% 0.50%
Fuel Dilution (Gasoline) <2.4% 2.5% - 3.4% 3.5% - 4.9% >5.0%
Fuel Dilution (Diesel) <3.4% 3.5% - 4.9% 5.0% - 6.9% >7.0%
Viscosity In grade +/- one SAE/ISO viscosity grade change +/- one SAE/ISO viscosity grade change +/- two SAE/ISO viscosity grade changes
Soot (Diesel Only) <3.4% 3.5% - 4.9% 5.0% - 6.9% >7.0%
Oxidation Baseline + 17 Baseline + 20 Baseline + 23 Baseline + 27
Nitration Baseline + 17 Baseline + 20 Baseline + 23 Baseline + 27
Base Number 65% depletion 75% depletion 83% depletion 90% depletion
Acid Number 1 x new-oil baseline 2 x new-oil baseline 3 x new-oil baseline 4 x new-oil baseline

SAE Engine & Gear Oil Viscosity Grade @ 100°C (Automotive Fluids)

SAE Engine Oil Grade @ 100°C Min cST. Max cST.
16 6.1 <8.2
20 6.9 <9.3
30 9.3 <12.5
40 12.5 <16.3
50 16.3 <21.9
60 21.9 <26
SAE Gear Oil Min cST. Max cST.
90 13.5 <24.0
140 24.0 <41.0
250 41.0 No Reg.

ISO Viscosity Grade @ 40°C (Industrial Fluids)

ISO Viscosity Grade @ 40°C Min cST. Max cST.
2 1.98 2.42
3 2.88 3.52
5 4.14 5.06
7 6.12 7.48
10 9.00 11.0
15 13.5 16.5
22 19.8 24.2
32 28.8 35.2
46 (AGMA 1) 41.4 50.6
68 (AGMA 2) 61.2 74.8
100 (AGMA 3) 90.0 110
150 (AGMA 4) 135 165
220 (AGMA 5) 198 242
320 (AGMA 6) 288 352
460 (AGMA 7) 414 506
680 (AGMA 8) 612 748
1000 (AGMA 8A) 900 1100
1500 1350 1650

About Us

Oil Analyzers INC. is a fully equipped oil analysis laboratory staffed by highly trained analysts. Oil Analyzers INC. offers a complete line of oil analysis services, including engine oil analysis, drivetrain oil analysis and industrial lubricant analysis.


Oil Analyzers INC.
1101 Susquehanna Ave.
Superior, WI 54880
Customer Service:
(877) 458-3315